Dr Gareth Vaughan
Principal Dentist
Gareth grew up in the Nottinghamshire, in England, which is Robin Hood country and he lived with his family just on the border of South Yorkshire. From his country style living he moved to Sheffield to read Dentistry at The University of Sheffield, qualifying in 2003.
Where did you work before?
I began my career in the UK in 2003, before travelling and working in many states in Australia in 2004. Having returned to the UK in 2005 I met my wife, who is from the Riverland, and we spent a further few years in Northamptonshire, UK before leaving to Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland in 2007.
There my business partner and I ran two successful clinics from 2008 until 2013. The move to the Riverland was prompted by the birth of our son and wishing to be closer to family and country roots. Since our move in 2013 I worked at another local dental practice before deciding to join the team at Tankard Dental Riverland in 2022.
What is your favourite thing about being a Dentist?
Even after twenty years of practice I still enjoy the variety that general practice brings, may that be placement of aesthetically pleasing restorations of simply meeting people and helping them achieve their goals. I am a keen believer in prevention and take great pleasure in getting patients dentally fit and keeping them that way. Simply there is no substitute for healthy, natural teeth and gums!
What do you like to do on your days off?
My family live on an unestablished ten-acre block. Most of our time is spent creating a sustainable garden and home for us to enjoy for many years to come.
What is your favourite food?
Not an easy question. For me it’s the company that the food is shared and where in the world that may be. If I am to be pushed you can’t go wrong with a Sunday roast with the family. Yorkshire puddings a must of course!!!
Goals for the practice
It’s often said that people don’t like going to the Dentist. My goal is simply to change that mindset by creating a welcoming environment of mutual respect and perhaps bringing a smile to your face on our journey!